Thursday, October 20, 2011

Next Week

We're looking at fanboy culture.

William Shatner, somewhat famously, urged Trekies to "get a life." "It's just a tv show." Of course, this has taken on a life of its own and is now part of the lore of William Shatner.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

That Bore Into Your Brain

A B movie, largely ignored.... egads

National Film Registry, that's better.

Check out the NPR story The Sad Lesson of 'Body Snatchers': People Change.


This week we're looking at some crucial questions: Why do Aliens always invade the United States and not other places first? Why do they invade on our national holidays? Finally, we need to explore the critical role of history professors in leading the resistance to the alien overlords.

"You call yourself a resistance, then resist!"

Viva la RevoluciĆ³n!

Here are three clips for class this week.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

We Choose to Go to the Moon (but it would be cooler if Klingons were there)

In some ways, especially when it comes to TV and movies, the Cold War also gave us the Golden Age of Science Fiction. Since we have, obviously, already touched on the Cold War this week we're spreading our wings a bit by looking at three aspects of the Cold War: the Red Scare, the Threat/Promise of Technology, and the Space Race. To this end, please view the following videos.